Support for Individuals

We don't always feel comfortable talking about our personal issues even with the important people in our lives. Life is hard for all of us and sometimes it seems like too much to unload on the ones we love. Working one-on-one with a skilled therapist can be extremely helpful, supportive and very often, life-changing. Whether it’s a life transition, anxiety, depression, relationship problems or grief, there are many reasons why people benefit from therapeutic support. Life is messy, exhausting and painful and sometimes, the smartest thing to do is ask for professional help.

I connect with clients on a deeply personal level and offer the safety and support they need to work through issues that have been creating distress and chaos, and amping up feelings of fear and worry. Having your own individual therapist is different than confiding in friends and family, who are rarely objective and aren't trained to evaluate symptoms of trauma and pain. Therapists are bound by confidentiality, which eliminates the worry that your private information might be shared with family and friends. Clients need to feel safe, secure and respected to be able to drop their defenses and be vulnerable. Vulnerability is a crucial ingredient needed for healing to begin, which is why having a strong relationship with your therapist is so important.

Our lives are forever changing and we are expected to make constant adjustments. This can be overwhelming and confusing and can damage our self-confidence. Very often, our personal struggles negatively impact our relationships, which makes everything worse. Utilizing effective holistic and science-based approaches, I help clients identify the stressors that are making their daily life difficult to navigate. I provide a non-judgmental, safe space where clients feel comfortable exploring their thoughts, feelings, wants and needs. We work collaboratively, to develop strategies that help them better manage (and ultimately extinguish); anxiety, sadness, anger, resentment, loneliness and feeling lost. Treatment is tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual client.

I often remind clients that while I’m a therapist, I am also human. I, too, have experienced emotional pain and relationship struggles, and when I feel it’s helpful and appropriate, I share my own hardships, which clients say is extremely meaningful to them. It illustrates that the therapeutic relationship (like all healthy relationships) is built on trust and respect. My role is not to judge or criticize, it’s to support you and help you figure out how to live your life with more joy, peace, fulfillment and love. There are so many people who are unhappy and in pain, when they could be getting help to live a more inspired, positive and authentic life. The strongest, happiest people I know have engaged in therapy. Asking for help is not shameful, it’s smart and courageous. When you are ready, I am here to help.

Sometimes you need help getting out of your own way.

I empower clients to see beyond their current problems and realize their strength and resiliency. Some of us have issues with poor decision-making and others have trouble simply making decisions. I give clients the tools they need to make healthy choices, which fuels their confidence and enables them to take control of their lives. We store away a lot of unprocessed thoughts and emotions but we don't always give ourselves the time to work through them. This is when issues start to arise. I will help you eliminate any internal chaos that may be clouding your judgement, exhausting valuable energy, and damaging your relationships. Life should not feel like a constant struggle. You have the ability to live a richer and more peaceful life that has greater depth and meaning. With my help, you will gain the insight and clarity needed, to live confidently, fearlessly and successfully.

Areas of Expertise







Life Transitions

Career Counseling

Body Image

Life Coaching


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  • "Trauma's Impact On Relationships"

    People who have experienced trauma often have difficulty forging and maintaining relationships, and this is not their fault. Their emotional wounds make it hard for them to trust others and many times they…

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  • "What I Do When I Don't Want To Do Anything Anymore"

    The term ‘creatures of habit’ has taken on a whole new meaning recently. Clients ask me almost daily, “Why do I feel so tired all of the time…I have no excuse; I barely leave the house?” 

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  • "You Want To Trust…But Experience Tells You Not To"

    As a psychotherapist and relationship specialist, I hear the word “trust” quite often in therapy sessions. In fact, lack of trust is one of the top causes when relationships start to deteriorate. Trust is a necessary ingredient for happy and successful relationships, romantic and otherwise. Yet the ability to trust others can be elusive for so many of us and without it, happy, healthy, and high-functioning relationships cannot be sustained.

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