Conscious Uncoupling

I am always optimistic, but the truth is that not all relationships are meant to be saved. Before deciding how you'll proceed, it's important to have clarity about the state of the relationship. Is your relationship worth saving or is it best for you and your partner to go your separate ways? Divorce can be the right decision for many couples, especially those who have made numerous attempts to save the relationship, unsuccessfully. Many times divorce rescues partners from toxic environments, deep unhappiness and abusive behavior. Traditionally, divorce has been seen as a painful, shameful and sometimes brutal process that wreaks havoc on your life, and takes a toll on your mental health and financial stability. Today, couples have other options that are far more appealing, respectful and healthy.

Couples who want to avoid a stressful and acrimonious divorce process, often choose to "uncouple".  Conscious Uncoupling is a process that helps couples’ separate, without hostility and extreme emotional distress. A "friendly divorce" might seem like a fairytale, but it is absolutely possible. Learning how to part ways from your partner amicably requires patience and strength but the pay-off is well worth it. In addition to decreased stress and anger, your lawyer fees will be minimal, and most importantly, you will have the knowledge that you put the well-being of your children (and extended family) before your own. 

When couples decide to part, they have a choice to make. They can focus on anger and ‘who gets what’ or they can start the healing process by thoughtfully ending one important relationship in their life, before moving on to the next. Conscious Uncoupling is about leaving resentment and revenge behind, and using a difficult life event as a learning and growing experience. It’s a decision not to carry old wounds and unresolved baggage from one relationship to the next. Conscious Uncoupling enables couples to take control over their separation, rather than feeling like pawns in a game of power-play. 

I can help you amicably and successfully, ‘uncouple’. The partners/couples I work with are able to part ways civilly, with less stress, emotionality and collateral damage. Divorce can absolutely result in friendship, healthy co-parenting and peace. I can help.

Gwyneth Paltrow shares her experience and thoughts on Conscious Uncoupling.

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