Couples Counseling

If partners have the will and commitment to improve the relationship, there is great probability that they will succeed.

I help couples strengthen their relationships and deepen their connections. Relationships aren’t easy. We bring emotional baggage from our pasts that continue to impact us as adults, individually and in our relationships. When couples first get together, the relationship is easy, fresh and romantic. Dining out at trendy restaurants, movie dates and great sex. Over time, life’s stressors set in; finances, careers, in-laws, medical problems and children. The truth is relationships can be frustrating, exhausting and painful.

So how do you get the magic back? Using effective holistic and science-based interventions, I teach couples how to communicate productively, enabling them to have difficult conversations about intimacy, infidelity, money and difference of opinions. We work collaboratively to address trust issues and resentments, opening the door to healing, forgiveness and renewed passion. In my therapy sessions, there is no “bad guy” and blame is never the focus. I provide a safe environment that is free of judgement and criticism, where couples feel comfortable discussing sensitive issues, needs and desires.

Why Couples Choose Counseling

  • Learn to communicate efficiently

  • Relationship has deteriorated

  • Attempt to repair the relationship before considering separation or divorce

  • Discuss sex and intimacy with safety and without judgment

  • Develop strategies and tools to create healthy relationship habits

  • Pre-marital/pre-commitment build a solid relationship foundation

  • Opportunity to deepen, enrich and fully enjoy the most important relationship in your life

Nervous About Couples Counseling?

If you have never met with a therapist or been in couples counseling before, or if you didn’t have a great first experience, feeling nervous is totally understandable. Asking for help from a ‘stranger’ can feel scary and uncomfortable but it also can be life-changing. A common fear is that the therapist might choose a partner’s side? In my sessions; there are no sides, no right or wrong and no good or bad (even with infidelity or other upsetting behaviors). My perspective is this: I share a safe space with two good people, who may be feeling frustrated, resentful, hurt or unfulfilled. Infidelity, anger and shutting down are not the problem, they are only symptoms of the problem. Our job is not to determine who’s at fault; it’s to work together, to understand why the relationship hasn’t been functioning well and what we need to do to rectify it. Some couples want my help to get back on track. Other couples want my help to rebuild their foundation. This is an opportunity to hit the reset button, essentially, partners can have a ‘do-over’.

Remember that therapists are human; I, too, have experienced emotional pain and relationship struggles. My role is not to judge or criticize, it’s to help you improve your relationship and increase the love in your life. There are so many couples who are unhappy and suffering, when they could be getting help to create positive change. The strongest, healthiest couples I know have engaged in couples therapy. Asking for help is not shameful, it’s courageous and smart. It’s never too late to have the relationship you’ve always wanted. When you are ready, I can help.

I offer Couple's Intensives that are appreciated by couples who want to jump-start the counseling process. The extended time that Intensives provide, gives clients the opportunity to “unpack” all of the major problems that have been creating anger, resentment, loneliness and frustration. Intensives are 'fast-track' couples counseling that can produce the same results (or even more significant) than months of traditional couples counseling.

In-office Appointments and Teletherapy

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