Couples Intensives

An Intensive is an opportunity for couples to hit the reset button.

Couples Intensives offer rapid change for couples looking to get a jump-start on the counseling process. Intensives range from 1-3 days, depending on the specific needs of each couple. The extended time that Intensives provide, gives couples the opportunity to “unpack” all of the major problems that have been creating frustration, anger, distance and sadness. I am able to quickly identify the core issues, enabling the healing process to begin almost immediately.

Intensives are tailored to each individual couple and provide focused attention on the health and healing of the relationship. I teach couples my method of communication and they learn how to have productive conversations about difficult subjects like; sex, money, infidelity, parenting, alcohol and other sensitive issues, without getting angry or shutting down. Couples’ report that they find intensives to be “extremely impactful”, “life-changing”, “it saved our marriage.”

Vulnerability is a crucial ingredient that is necessary for healing to begin. Clients need to feel safe and respected to be able to drop their defenses and be vulnerable. On my watch, neither partner is the “bad guy” and blame is never the focus (despite infidelity or other “bad behaviors”). Intensives can be game-changers. Couples have the chance to see their partners from a different lens and this experience can be eye-opening. I help clients create a new foundation for the relationship that is solid and it has staying power. This is an opportunity to hit the reset button, and essentially, partners can have a do-over.

Couples Intensives leave partners feeling hopeful, closer and optimistic about their future. Intensives can produce the same results (or even more significant) as months of traditional couples counseling. Most couples continue to work on their relationships by engaging in follow-up sessions and some schedule quarterly, bi-yearly or yearly intensives as a ‘refresher course’, to stay on track and to address new issues that inevitably arise.

Why Couples Choose Intensives:

  • Relationship has significantly deteriorated

  • Learn how to communicate effectively

  • Private, full-day sessions with Relationship Expert 

  • "Fast-Track" counseling provides accelerated growth and healing

  • Attempt to repair the relationship before considering separation or divorce

  • Pre-marital/pre-commitment to build a solid relationship foundation and develop healthy relationship habits

  • Opportunity to deepen, enrich and fully enjoy the most important relationship in your life

The truth is that not all relationships are meant to be saved. Before deciding on how you’ll proceed, it's important to determine whether or not your relationship can be salvaged or if it’s best to part ways. (Conscious Uncoupling is one option). Intensives can determine whether or not to end your relationship. They can help you find clarity and closure. Couples Intensives can give you the confidence of knowing that you exhausted all avenues of help before reaching the decision to part.

In-office Appointments and Teletherapy

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